Psalms 1-8

Howdy, everyone! I hope you're as excited about starting the book of Psalms as I am... because I'm super excited. There are a lot of chapters to read in Psalms, but they're all short. So yeah, you might need to read 8 chapters instead of the usual three or four, but they wont take you long.

Like I said, though. There are a LOT of chapters, and it's not like they tell a story or anything. The chapters are different prayers said by people to God, and although there really isn't anything wrong with them... it just makes it really hard for me to put them all into one category.

For instance, with previous books of the Bible, I was able to sum everything that happened into one lesson or devotion for the day. But with Psalms, even though the chapters are awesome and meaningful... they don't really have a lot to do with each other.

In saying that, I'm going to try my very very hardest to find similarities in the chapters you read each day, kind of like a series of themes. Each day there will be a theme in a series I like to call...

Well, I don't really have a title. I'll let you know when I come up with something brilliant and wonderful. For now, just know that there will be a little series for the book of Psalms, and each day will add to that series.

Today's topic:


I end pretty much every devotion with a "Peace out" or a "Peace be with ya" or "Go in peace" or something... and oddly enough... today's eight chapters had a lot to with peace. If you haven't already, please read today's chapters, Psalms 1-8, at or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post.

Okay... so back to peace. It's quite a fad these days... everyone wears the "Peace" shirts and the peace necklaces and the peace flip-flops... so cute... right?

But have we ever really thought what it means? I guess if you want, it could mean the absence of war. You know, when we're not fighting, we're in a time of peace.

But in today's reading, it has a lot to do with spiritual peace. When you don't feel rushed, and you can sit back without any things causing you stress. A few verses I liked today were these:

Psalm 3:5
I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, for the Lord sustains me.

Psalms 4:8
I will both lie down and sleep in peace;
for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.

Psalms 5:12
For you bless the righteous, O Lord;
you cover them with favour as with a shield.

These verses are pretty self-explanatory. They just further the belief in a God that will comfort you no matter where you are, and bring your body, mind, and soul an ultimate sense of PEACE.

Spread some to your friends... God knows how much this earth needs it.

Go in PEACE.


Granny said…
The Psalms are my favorites. Whenever I need spiritual peace, I turn to them for help. When I lost your Grandpa Terry, they were my favorite source of reading to gain that peace I needed. It seems when you turn to any one of the passages, it will soothe your soul.
Carly said…
I agree! The Psalms are amazing.

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