Psalms 120-133

Psalms 126 talks about how God has done great things for us that fill us with joy!

But sadly, most of the time we may only think of all of the bad things happening to us, rather than the things that truly fill us with joy. We can get confused, lost, and depressed and the joy becomes harder to find.

Sometimes we may have to suffer through something else to find that joy, but God is so miraculous that it should be no problem at all. God is performing great things around us that should automatically fill us with joy and happiness. Better yet, it should make us want to share that joy with others.

Yesterday I purchased a pottery hanging that had the word "JOY" on it. I figured that everytime I saw it somewhere in my house it would remind me of the joy that God gives me and just how fortunate I really am.

I hope this post today will help you to realize the joy that God is giving each day, even when it seems hard to find.



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