Job 31-34

You know what's cool? God. Eternal life. The belief that, no matter HOW MANY TIMES we screw up, God will always love us. God will always take us back. He'll always take me back. He'll always take you back.

No matter what race, what gender, what age... what past that you have strapped to you. There's a great song by Sanctus Real that says this:

I don't have to carry the weight of who I've been. I'm forgiven.

It's so simple, but SO comforting. Where else in the UNIVERSE can you be treated the same as anyone else? We all have those things that weigh us down sometimes. Maybe you're treated different because of your race, or your intelligence, or your weight, your sex, your previous life experiences.

Wouldn't that be great if there were a person, ANYONE, who loved you no matter what?

(*Cough, cough.*) GOD.

Today's reading completely reassured me that "HELLO, CARLY! God still loves you!" You can read these four chapters at or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post. The chapters are Job 31-34, and they're awesome.

First off, we have this guy named Elihu. He's one of Job's friends, and since Job has wallowed into this deep depression, Elihu is trying to help a brother out. But the whole time, Elihu has just listened to Job, and let Job talk, because Elihu isn't really accepted that easily. He's smart for his age, but he's younger than Job and the other buddies trying to help Job.

But I think Elihu had a similar revolution that I had: IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, DON'T LET ANYTHING HOLD YOU BACK." Now, of course, if you have something mean or angry to say... think it over before you share it with the world.

However, if you have something genuinely special to say that could help someone out, don't hold back because you're "young" or "fat" or "black."

Elihu shared his opinion, and guess what? IT WAS AWESOME. It was all about NOT being perfect, and respecting God.

Job can still be forgiven. Granted, Jesus wasn't around back then, so Job didn't really have a Savior, but there was still God. And Job could still be forgiven and accepted by Him no matter what sins he had committed.

I think that's really reassuring to me. I hope it's reassuring to you, too.

Comment below or email at with any questions or comments!

Peace out, y'all.


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