Psalms 119

Psalms 119 verse 44 reads:
I will obey your law, for ever and ever.

Obeying the Lord can be as simple as just making the right desicion. If we make the wrong desicion, we are making it harder and harder to obey God, and harder to follow the pathway to Heaven.

But how do we know which desicion is right? The right desicion is the one that you know will please God. God sees this, and knows that you are obeying him.

Unfortunatley, sometimes we choose wrong over right. This doesn't please God, but he forgives us.

You may think that since you are always forgiven, you can do whatever you want to do, even when it's not right. But think of all the things that God has done for us to make us happy, and how obeying God will make him happy as well.


Granny said…
We don't always make the right decision, but when we try to make them thinking how God would react to our decisions, it makes it easier to make the right ones! When we love God, we know right from wrong, and what would please Him is easier to determine when we are making decisions. It all works together for good!
Granny said…
You have been doing a great job Claire. Carly is proud of you, as your Granny!

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