Day Thirty-Five

Day Thirty-Five -- February 4ht --Leviticus 22-23

Please, feel free to read these chapters at or with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post. It's only two short chapters today!

Howdy, reader. I'm still not sure if anyone is even reading this. But, oh well. Life moves on. Just for future notice... I'm not going to start these posts with "day thirty-five" anymore, it's too much to count out. Instead, I'll put the date. Alrighty?

Oh yeah. No one's there. Of course you can't answer.

Anyway, let's get this devotional started anyway. Sounds good to me. Today, we only had to read two chapters. A real treat, if you ask me. This way, we only have to read two chapters of the annoying rules and regulations that we've been enduring... or, I've been enduring. Me and Jesus.

In these chapters, like I said, they were all about rules, and regulations, but like every other day, it has a pretty good theme... DAYS OF REST.

Wouldn't that be cool if everyone got a day of rest very once in a while? I mean, we still get weekends, and holidays, but back then (in our reading,) God gave the Israelites special days of rest. One was the Sabbath... which we know today is Sunday.

God was pretty strict by saying "no one is to do any type of work on the Sabbath, because it's Holy day."

We celebrate the Sabbath because it's the 7th day of the week, and God made the world in 6 days, resting on the 7th. (Sunday.)

But, back to the message. I think that it's not as important to take days of rest anymore, because we worship Jesus as Christians, instead of these old accustoms that the Israelites used to practice. So, instead of resting, let's focus on DOING!

We as Christians need to get out into the world and do things. We need to preform good deeds, and show Jesus' love to anyone, and everyone. It seems pretty rough to spread out into the whole Earth, but if we just focus on our everyday lives, we can reach the world one step at a time. One person can be nice to another, who is nice to another, and on and on and on. It can really affect someone, even when you didn't mean to.

So, today, (and forever,) focus on DOING NICE THINGS. We need to spread God's love, because it's not just for you and I. It's for the whole world! Let's follow God's words and spread the goodness!

"He (meaning Jesus) said to them (meaning his disciples) 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'"


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