February 18th -- Numbers 27-29

Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at www.bible.com.

Good day, everyone. How many readers are we up to now, like two? Well, a wise person (whom I can't remember) once told me that any act of goodness is seen by God, no matter how big or small. Whether or not the action is received by someone, or if anyone sees you doing it, God knows. He always knows.

So, today's reading. Fun stuff. So many sheep, and sacrifices, and wheat, and measurements, and Sabbaths... it was really confusing. Pretty boring to read all the way through, too. But, I got this message out of it:

Sacrifice. It's important, no matter what branch of Christianity you are.

So, let's talk about that for a little. I've talked about tithing before, and how you're offered to sacrifice 10% of your income to the church. But since all the Israelites were given strict instructions about sacrifice, I wanted to chat a little about it.

Not all Christians interpret sacrifice the same way, and that's ok. The God I know doesn't punish people for not tithing, or not devoting our time or something. And, that brings me to another point. If it's not mandatory, then WHY SACRIFICE?

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a man in his 30's, named Jesus. He was absolutely perfect, in every way, and people began to envy how much attention he got. He could, after all, do miracles. He could raise people from sickness, and heal the blind! He could turn water into wine, and calm some of the largest storms. But, like I said, people got jealous of him, and plotted his death.

The sad thing, Jesus knew it all along he was going to die. From before he was born, he knew that he was going to be killed, even though he lived a perfect life. Why, then was he killed??

For you. And me. And... everyone. He worked to live flawlessly, and with tons of effort, he never sinned. So, when he died, he took the place of all of our sins.

In the Bible, the Israelites had to sacrifice an animal or something for their sins. That was long before Jesus came, though. So, nowadays... we can be forgiven with OUR sacrifice, our Messiah. Our perfect lamb, without defect.

Get it?

Drop me an email if you're confused.

So, let's get back to the question... WHY SACRIFICE?

Did you not listen to the story?!?! Jesus gave his LIFE for you, and me, and everyone. So... the least we can do is

a) give up our time
b) and tithe to the church
c) and finally, give up our sorrows and regrets to Jesus, because he can forgive.

Think about sacrifices today. Give your life to Jesus, and give your sorrows to him as well. Peace out!


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