February 19th -- Numbers 30-32

Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at www.bible.com.


It's a pretty evil thing. And I'm not just saying that to be funny, because revenge is often seen in comics, and the villains are evil... I mean it. Revenge is evil. It's that little voice inside your head that really wants to make someone feel worse about themselves, just because they treated you badly.

You don't make them feel bad because they're a disgrace to the planet, or a mass murderer... you do it because they made you feel bad. Not your friend, or your parents, but they made you feel bad. It's a very personal thing, revenge. And frankly, I hate it.

Today, I saw someone kick someone else. I was like "Why did you do that?" And, their reply? "They kicked me first."

It wasn't just a joke-ish kick, either. It was a clear cut to the knee, and the only reason for it was because they'd been kicked. How 1st grade is that? I can't remember the last time someone told me that "he started it" or something. Very childish.

But, guess what? We do it all the time, perhaps without knowing. We talk bad about people without knowing, just because of a bad past with that person. We refuse to do favors for that person, just because of something that happened a long time ago.

Granted, bad deeds should never be forgotten completely, unless there's a proper apology. That's the way I see it, anyhow. So tell me this:

Why do we seek revenge?

I think it's because of one of the following reasons:

1)your heart is still hurt from when someone hurt you, and you take our your anger on them, rather than telling the person that hurt you that you didn't appreciate what they did, and for them to apologize.
2) you are still upset about something that happened with someone, and you take out your anger on someone that reminds you of that person, instead of moving on.

I'm no therapist. Not that smart. Haha. But, I can tell from previous experience that EVERYONE has sought revenge on someone or something before. Except for Jesus. So, how do we deal with it? How can we get rid of that constant urge to hate someone???

First, look at the problem. Is it worth holding grudges? Keep in mind that there are people suffering all around the world, people who are persecuted for loving Jesus, and people who haven't eaten anything in days. Is your problem that important?

Maybe not. Maybe so. Regardless, you've got to realize there's a time to move on, and a time to collect your thoughts. It might feel great to do the opposite, and rash all your feelings on someone else. But afterwards, you're confused and even more angry than before. Most times, revenge just isn't worth it!

Next, pray about it. It's hard to pray sometimes, because you usually don't see immediate results. But trust me, if you pray to Jesus, he'll hear you. That's a promise.

Even if you feel that your prayers aren't being answered, you just need to be patient. And while you're waiting, keep in mind that you can always get peace with Jesus, and he's there with you everywhere.

In today's reading, the Israelites sought revenge on a group of people, and took everything they own. Including all their men and most of their women's' lives. And then, another big group of people approached the Israelites and asked them to share their land. Since these people (a long time ago) didn't share theirs with the Israelites, Moses refused at first.

But, after thinking about it (I hope,) Moses finally agreed, at set aside his urge to seek revenge. Yeyyyyy Moses!

So, that chapter ended on a happy note. Which reminds us all, that if we stop seeking revenge against others, the world would be a better place. Sure, you still might have those thoughts in your head, but everyone deserves a second chance.



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