Day Thirty-Four

Day Thirty-Four -- Leviticus 19-21

Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left, or at

Lets get to business. I'm not going to spend time groaning about all the rules we had to read today, because I'm pretty sure if you've read them that you've realized that there are yet ANOTHER set of rules today!


So, what's new, then? What makes today's reading so special and the rest of the days different? Did you notice anything? We might all interpret things differently, and that's okay. But today, I saw that there were a lot of mentioning of God coming to Moses and saying "Do this, because I AM GOD."

I'm sure that Moses knew that God was in fact God... but God made it extra clear these few chapters. He wants Moses to tell the Israelites that there shouldn't be any questions about what God is doing, because he is GOD and he does everything right, whether we like it or not.

It's hard to do some things, sometimes. I know for a fact that there are tasks out there that we don't want to do. It's just plain simple. Sometimes, I really don't want to be friendly to people that aren't friendly back.

But, if God wants me to, then I shall obey. It's a pretty big step, to believe in someone. It's hard to love them unconditionally, and to follow their every single need.

One thing that always helps me is this:

God loves you more than words can say. He's always there for you, and always listens. It's the least we can do to listen to HIM. He is, after all THE GOD OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

So, think about that today. It's hard to do the right thing, but it pays off. God is right there with you, and he claps his hands every time you follow his commands. He's the GOD of everything, people. I'd want to stay on his good side!

Peace out.


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