February 25th -- Deuteronomy 12-15

Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at www.bible.com!

Have you ever had something you wanted SO badly? It might of been something materialistic, like a car, or a piece of clothing. But it also could of been something you can't see, like a sense of something. A sense of happiness, sense of accomplishment, sense of peace.

Whatever you've bee longing for, I wanted to relate it to today's reading. I know, personally, that after reading these last, oh, 100 pages? There's been around 100 pages of rules and regulations and strange laws we've had to read. Just imagine what the Israelites must have gone through trying to follow all the rules! Must have been tough. So, why'd they do it?

If you haven't noticed already (which I hope you have noticed, but regardless,) God kept mentioning this land of milk and honey, where gold and bronze was abundant, and you never had to worry about food. In reality, this was stretching the truth a little, since there was no actual milk or honey... but that's beside the point.

God heard the Israelites cries and complaints, and realized that they were in need of some motivation. They wanted someplace they could live happily, and that was their "want" that they desired.

God told them to follow all the rules he set out, and most of them were just cleanliness rules to keep them healthy. But if they followed the rules, then God would present them with their land he promised, called the promised land.

So, there you go. The Israelites wanted something, and God will eventually give it to them if they follow all his rules for their well-being. That's a pretty good lesson, I think. We all want things, or maybe even need things. The truth is, we'll never be able to get it on our own. God has to be influencing us with EVERYTHING we do, and in order to do that... we need to make him top priority.

No, we don't have to write all his laws down on stone tablets, but we need to be aware of when we make mistakes, and try to act like Jesus all the time. It's not identity theft if you're acting like Jesus, I promise. That's the one person you can trust to act like, he's the only perfect person, the only SON OF GOD worthy enough.

In fact, we're all sons and daughters of God. Jesus lives in our hearts, and if he doesn't yet, let me know. I'll hook ya up with the best friend ever -- Jesus.

I know it's hard sometimes, but I think it's important to follow his commandments, even when you're in chaos. That's when we need to follow him most!



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