February 8th

February 8th -- Numbers 3-4

Read these short chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at http://www.bible.com/.

Today's reading was only two short chapters, but it took forever to read through all those stats and numbers, right? And all those names!

Today, I've decided to spare you and give you some statistics about the Bible.

So, why are these facts important? Well, truthfully, they're not. They don't really obtain to any information in today's reading... at all. Pretty stupid, right?

However, I'd like to point out something. You might think it's stupid of God to put a bunch of names and duties in these last few books of the Bible. Turns out, God isn't stupid. I hope you all knew that.
In my opinion, God thought that telling the Israelites their duties while traveling around the land was important. It was do be treated with great care, as all duties and responsibilities should be. So, what's our duties? What does God want me to do? Or, you?

He wants us to go and tell the people the goodness that God is! Sometimes, people don't deliberately turn their backs to God. Sometimes, they don't know what they're missing. People go all day (and sometimes, their whole life,) miserably trying to get past all the rough patches of life, with no one to lean on.

They don't know God. They don't know how great their life could be if we all put our faith in him! That's our job, people. There are numerous verses out there that talk about the importance of spreading his love to others.

Don't be stingy and keep God for yourself!

Just kidding. But seriously, if you know that someone could use Jesus in their life, by all means, introduce him to them. You don't have to be all full fledged and say "Hey, there's this guy named Jesus you should meet."
But you can always tell someone you're praying for them, and that Jesus loves them. Believe it or not, he loves everyone! So, go out into the world and tell people. Tell them of this blog, or invite them to church, or just lead them to Jesus by being an amazing example to how pure you could be with him in your life.

Be a fisher of men (and women,) and tell the world!


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