February 22nd -- Deuteronomy 3-4

You can read these short 2 chapters at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this very post!

Let's get started. Alrighty, so today's reading was, of course, about more rules the Israelites were faced with. More regulations and laws that God told Moses, who told the people, and blah blah blah.

Let's get to the interesting part. I was trying to read through all the many rules in today's reading, when I came across this:

Deuteronomy 4:31

The Lord your God is tender and loving. He won't leave you or destroy you. He won't forget the covenant he made with your people long ago. He took an oath when he made it.

God wanted to make sure that the Israelites understood this, and I think it was a good idea he threw that out there. Because then, all the people who were doubtful, or were afraid, could remember that God made a covenant with their forefathers to protect them.

How does that apply to us? Well, we're related to the Israelite's forefathers, right? Mmhmm. And, we're followers of God, right? (If you're not, drop me an email!)

So, today's message is pretty short and simple. Since no one is perfect, and since everyone makes mistakes, there will be times where we (unfortunately) sin. In doing so, we basically turned our back on the Lord. When we realized we sinned, we wanted to be forgiven. I do, anyhow.

Some religions make you do a certain number of prayers, or pray a specific way, or restrict you from eating certain foods... all when you sin. But the great thing about Christianity if that JESUS WILL ALWAYS TAKE YOU BACK.

Have you ever been in a fight with a friend? Of course you have. Everyone has. Most times, you're able to resolve the problem, correct? Well, sometimes you just can't, and that's perfectly understandable.

But, like I said, God will never not forgive you. He will always be there to take you back, as long as you repent, and try your best not to repeat the sin. Some friends won't take you back. Jesus will. It says it in the verse I posted above, which comes from the BIBLE, people.

Respect it. Learn it. Love it.



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