February 14th -- Numbers 16-18

Read these chapters at www.bible.com or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post!

Has anyone ever been to a Vacation Bible School? It's like a Christian camp put on one week during the summer at churches all over. It's a fun way for kids to connect to Jesus. Each day, there's a new saying for kids to remember, like "God is powerful" or "God is amazing."

Today's lesson, kids? GOD DOES WHAT HE SAYS HE DOES. Amen? Amen.

In today's reading, the Israelites were upset with God. They were all "I don't think trusting in God is a good idea! He promised us goodness if we came with him, and guess what? He hasn't gotten us that. He weren't happy to be slaves from Egypt, but now we're hungry in the dessert! At least we had food in Egypt! Let's make a new leader! Let's leave! God broke his promise!"


God never breaks his promises. In fact, God promised the Israelites that is they sinned, they will be punished. And once they doubted in him, he kept THAT promise. He had the whole floor open up and swallow the non-believers!

But, my point is this. God does what he says he'll do. We just have to be patient! God told us that he'll come once again, and I believe that. God tells us that he's always with us, and he is. It's hard to believe him sometimes, but you've got to trust in your heart that God does what he says he does.


Peace be with you... come back tomorrow for more!


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