February 11th

February 11th -- Numbers 8-10


Read these three chapters at www.bible.com or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post!

Ever heard that saying? Use what the good Lord gave you? Well, that's the basis for today's reading. Jesus gave you all ears, right? If not, I'm terribly sorry... because that might of been offensive.

But, I'm not talking about literal ears, I'm talking about your inner-ear. (If you have never heard of an inner-ear, then don't fret. I just made it up.) What's an inner-ear?

Carly's Random Word Definition: Inner-ear. Noun. Definition: the little voice inside your head that can hear beyond what people are saying. For instance, if someone asks to see what you got for answer #4, but your inner-ear tells you that they want to copy the whole paper.

So, I'm talking about every body's inner-ear. God has laid out a bunch of rules for us in the last couple of week's readings. How on earth are we supposed to remember them all? We don't have to memorize all of them, because we all have an inner-ear!

(Crowd ooh-s and ahh-s)

Whenever you're faced with a problem, don't just laugh it off. Don't just use your instincts to work it out. Use your inner-ear! If you've been reading, you know most of the laws God has set out for us. If something doesn't seem right, and your inner-ear is telling you that God doesn't want you to do that, then don't. Your inner-ear is screaming "that's not God-like! Step away!"

So, maybe your hearing isn't so good. But everyone has an inner-ear, and with enough practice, it will be working perfectly in no time! Pray that God will help you through each day every morning, and you will see a difference.



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