February 20th -- Numbers 33-36

If your Bible isn't handy, you can read these 4 chapters with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post, or at www.bible.com.

Welcome, one and all. Today's reading includes more rules for the Israelites, and it might bore you just a little. But, the good news is THAT AFTER TODAY'S READING, YOU'LL BE IN THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY INSTEAD OF NUMBERS! WOO HOO!

So, let's talk about the reading. Like I said before, there were a lot of inheritance laws, and regulations that were to be followed by the Israelites. It seems as if that's all we ever talk about now a days, or for the past few weeks, anyhow. But instead of trying to understand all of the laws, I think it'll be easier to try and relate all the inheritance laws to today's world.

Back then, people were classified by wealth. Today, people are classified by their wealth, too! If someone is wearing the right clothes, or has their hair put just right, they're considered wealthy. What car they have, or what house they live in can also classify a person. If you're in a different country, one that might not be as fortunate as us, ALL Americans are classified as "wealthy."

But what is wealth, anyway? For most, it's how much stuff you have. It's how much crap you have in your house, how many rings are worn on your fingers, how many pets or acres you have. You spend your money on stupid things like electronics and jewelery just so you can feel better about yourself. I'll agree, I feel better about myself if someone thinks highly about me. If they judge me well, I feel... better. You've felt that way before, haven't you?

This brings me to another point. We care about what people think, right? I know I do. But can anyone tell me who we really should be worried about? Who is the ULTIMATE JUDGE?

That's right. His name starts with a "G." And ends with an "od." GOD. (If you haven't gotten that already.)

Our life on earth is SO SMALL compared to what we're going to have someday. We aren't born just to show off our stuff, or to try and be better than someone else. We're put here to tell others about Jesus, and to live a good life for Him.

Sure, people still might judge you on your shoes, or your hair, or your car. But God is the one who we should be worried about! He's up there in the sky (or wherever he's watching us from) looking at us with a smiling face every time we do something for him. He doesn't care what we look like, or how much stuff we have.

We shouldn't even worry about that anymore. We shouldn't worry about others judging us, and we shouldn't judge others. Sometimes we judge people without even noticing, like just thinking "wow, that's tacky," or "I'm glad I don't look that way."

WHO CARES?!?! God doesn't. And if you're on board with the whole "What Would Jesus Do?" thing, then you shouldn't care either.

"Judge people by their character, and judge your socks by their luxury. Because judging your socks by their character is really strange, and judging people by their luxury is unheard of."

Take all the "wealth" you have, and spend it on others who need it. Not on someone who is already "wealthy" but on someone who could use Jesus' love in their life.

Think about that today, and come back tomorrow for when we start DEUTERONOMY!!


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