February 13th -- Numbers 14-15

Read these amazing chapters at www.bible.com, or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post!

What's it mean to be a believer in something? Anyone have any ideas? I mean, it's easy to believe in a tangible object, because we can touch it, we can see it... we know it's there. But what about things we have the choice to believe in that we can't see? It's pretty tough.

If you read today's readings, you'd see what the Israelites went through (yet again.) You'd thing they've already learned their darn lesson, but no. They had to make the same mistake again, by doubting God was with them, and God got pretty mad about it.

In our daily life, it's sometimes hard to remind ourselves to always be conscious of God and what he wants us to do. It's not like we have a magical blinking sign that follows us around pointing out where we need to help people out at.

That's be pretty sweet, though.

My point is, that in order to live a fulfilling life for Jesus, and to truly believe in him, and what he stands for, we need to be more in tune with him. There are little things we can do to surround our self with more holy things, and to remind us that God is always with us, like, for instance... reading this blog. It's hard to be caught up in bad thoughts or troubles when you're reading the reassuring words of the Bible, right? And surrounding yourself with other Christians will help remind you of Jesus' will as well. Also, listening to a Christian radio station is an easy way to get the message racked into your brain before you go somewhere.

Maybe after reading this, you're totally ready to jump into a relationship with God, and you want to be constantly reminded of him. I suggest you join a church somewhere near you, to worship God, and get a better feel of what it means to follow him. It's a pretty big step to become a full-time member, but you don't have to jump into that just yet. Try attending a few services, and I promise you, it'll be easier to relate the WORD to your life.

You can meet other people that are going through the same mess we like to call life, and learn some cool things about what could happen if you become a believer. I'm not trying to convert you right here and now, but I want to get the gears turning about going to church on Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday, right?

Maybe you should check it out. if you have a hard time believing, and you were on the fence about going to a church somewhere, now is your time. There's no better time, actually. God is calling you, right now. And I don't just mean on the phone. He will stay with you and help you out, and he's begging you to let him into your heart.

Just... try church some time soon. It's worth it, or your money back. (Even though church is free. And, so is this blog.)

Peace out!


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