February 15th -- Numbers 19-21

You can read these chapters at www.bible.com or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post. 

There's a lot that went on in today's reading. First and foremost, most of it was a little out of our comfort zones. It must be weird to read the chapters and realize how strange our God seemed back then. 

I mean, with all the bronze snakes, and harsh deaths, and for Him to kill his own Aaron? Weird, right? But I also realized that it talked about ways to be clean, which can be pretty important back then. And today, too. 

You and I might agree on the strangeness that is the Bible, but maybe that's because we don't understand it quite enough. Maybe we need to be cleansed. Sounds fair enough. 

The Bible talks a lot about how you be "clean" or "unclean," which was really honored back then. It helped the Israelites realize what was really important in order to live a happy life. 

What's that mean for us today? How do WE become clean??

Ever heard of baptism?

In the beginning of the Bible, there weren't such things as being born again, mostly because Jesus wasn't born yet. But today, there are plenty of opportunities to get out there and cleanse yourself, both inside and out!

Talk to a Pastor about it if you're interested in starting fresh for Jesus, and with Jesus, and be able to glorify His Name!



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