Luke 9-10

Read these wonderful chapters now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at

com·pas·sion [kuhm-pash-uhn]

1. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

Do you have compassion?

I saw this great movie last night called Second Chance. It starred Michael W. Smith (who is actually a singer, in case you were wondering,) and it really opened my eyes to how fortunate we are. Even though I was laying lazily on the bed, eating popcorn and sipping warm hot-chocolate... it made me feel sorrow for the poor people in the movie.

And get this: there are actually people suffering today! The people's stories were made up for the movie, but that doesn't mean there isn't suffering. There are thousands of people all over every city that are yearning for someone to show them compassion.

It makes me sad that so many people go on with their lives, being happy little Christians, going to church, praying before meals.,. blah blah blah. Although these things can be important... COMPASSION is highly exalted by Jesus in today's reading.

This one guy asked Jesus who his neighbor was, because Jesus said in order to have eternal life, we have to love God and love our neighbors. Who exactly IS our neighbor? I assure you, it's not just the people that live next to you.

Your neighbor is anyone that's hurting. Anyone who needs compassion! And if you have compassion for them, you're following Jesus' great calling.

In another story in today's reading, there were two sisters that were letting Jesus stay with them. One of the sisters was hastily preparing a meal and the house for Jesus, while the other just spent time with Him and got know Him better.

Of course, the older sister got angry. She was all "Jesus! I'm working REALLY hard to please you, and all my sister is doing is sitting and listening to you! What is THAT all about?!?!"

Jesus said the listener was actually doing the right thing.

We need to STOP thinking that we've got it all together, people! We can't just live on life thinking we're helping others, and thinking we're doing the "right" Christian thing if we don't take compassion on those who really need it.

Like the Good Samaritan, even though the person he had to save wasn't exactly in good condition, Jesus tells us that we need to reach out of our comfort zones and help those that really need compassion.

If WE, Jesus' own PEOPLE don't love the outcasts, who will?

Think about that today. Don't forget to show compassion and listen to those that are out of our comfort zones, even when it's tough.

Peace out.


Anonymous said…
Go Carly haha this one was really touching because I know that I really am blesses to be living in the house I do to be wearing the clothes I wear and all that jazz. But I never really stop to think about that somewhere in the world there really is someone who is suffering from something that is out of their hands and there are so many things I live with day to day that I think are henderance but are absolutely nothing in the big picture.
I'm glad we have remained close friends through the years and to see you develop in your spirituality is really inspiring. Keep up the great work on this, at school and at being an awesome friend! Good luck with that book!!
Carly said…
Thanks so much! I smile every time I read a comment like this. I'm blessed to have friends that will stick with me even when it's hard and kinda boring sometimes. I definitely agree that the world takes MANY things for granted, which is why we need to thank God everyday for the joys that are given!

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