Matthew 27-28

Read these chapters now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at


To me, there are two things that get in the way of making good, clean decisions:

Hate, and Love.

Two passionate emotions, which BOTH can lead to rash decisions you're bound to regret later. Today is just a reminder to everyone that even though in the moment, things might seem fine and dandy, every decision done out of these emotions will come back to you somehow.

Sometimes, we just need to slow down and think about it. We need to take the time to THINK, instead of getting caught up in the moment.

I know this is a silly example, but take Homecoming for example. You know, the dance at the beginning of the school year? People tend to live a little too in the moment, so I've noticed. They get mad at people for STUPID things, and they dance a little to close with people they'll regret the next day.

I've counted several instances already where people wish they had just enjoyed homecoming instead of going too far. I know it's a busy place for thinking and all, but sometimes we need to just slow down and think. Is this best for me in the end? Is this in God's plan, or am I conforming to the ways of the world?

I promise there's an actual connection to the reading, and I'm not just babbling on and on about stuff :)

In Jesus' crucifixion, there were tons of people mocking Him and calling Him names. They hated Jesus SO much, they didn't even know why, I think. They didn't take the time to think about their decisions, and just jumped on the hate-wagon with everyone else.

Then, Jesus died, and the earth shook. People rose from the DEAD. Things started falling apart. Those haters?

The were WRONG.

It just makes me think about how WE need to be aware of our decisions. Not only with silly things at Homecoming, but in our faith, too.

Are we keeping Jesus important? Think about it.

My friends can vouch for my on this: that I think about things wayyyy too much. I get wayyyy too deep in conversation, and take almost everything seriously. And I can't help myself. So, I'm not telling everyone to sit down and think about every single thing they do. It's pretty exhausting. I don't have many regrets at Homecoming, though! Haha

Instead of thinking EVERYTHING through, make sure you're making Godly decisions that will make good effects on your life in the long-term. Sorry I got a little preachy on you.

Peace out.


Granny said…
Good advice CArly. I am proud of you.
erin said…
i am watching sportscenter now and it was kind of funny cause when i was reading about how we sometomes do something we wish we could have back brett farve started talking about how he wanted some of his interceptions back :)
erin said…
i will also say that you do get deep into conversations but that is why i like talking to you
Carly said…
Erin: It's funny how the spirit moves through literally EVERYTHING we see and do :) Also, thanks for your compliment. I'm glad I don't get too boring! Ha!

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