Matthew 1-4


I really suggest that people read today's chapters. For starters, it's the first four chapters of the New Testament, and also, it's specifically written for people who are a bit skeptical about everything.

The book of Matthew was written to Jews, in order to convince them of Jesus being the Messiah. My handy-dandy Bible told me that, and I love it to death! It makes sense, once you read the chapters. They're all about facts and previous prophesies and how everything ties together into one AWESOME event of Jesus being born.

The Old Testament was a bunch of verses foretelling the future, and now we're in that "future" they were talking about, and everything is happening! It's so exciting. I guess I just wanted to take the time to encourage people to read the chapters. See how everything plays out!

See how God is working through our lives as well as the many lives that lives thousands of years ago!

It's totally worth it. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, some disciples, John the Baptist... and ALL kinds of people show up in the short chapters we have to read. If you are able, look up the first four chapters of Matthew RIGHT NOW!

Have a greattt day.

Peace out.

PS: Thanks, Faith Girlz Bible. You rock.


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