Mark 15-16

Read these chapters (THE LAST TWO IN THIS BOOK!) now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at


I feel like sometimes, us humans can get a little ahead of ourselves. We sometimes just get caught up in the moment and feel like what we're doing is the right thing, and then when we look back on it later, we realize that we were wrong, all along.

You can think of a few instances, right? I'm not the only one. I can think of several cases TODAY where I regret what I said, or how I acted. We let our emotions take control, and get so caught up in the moment that we forget about acting how JESUS wants us to.

In today's reading, Jesus was being put before Pilate on trial. Was he worthy of death? Pilate decided so, and Jesus got crucified.

But what I REALLY thought was interesting was the fact that Pilate KNEW that Jesus was innocent. It's even written, in clear daylight, that Pilate knew that Jesus' Cruxifiction was a result of jealousy.

Pilate gave the people the say in the matter, in hopes that they would chose the murderer to be killed instead of Jesus. But the people were so ANGRY and so PASSIONATE about something they didn't even know was true that they decided to kill Jesus and spare the life of a murderer.

The people screamed "Jesus! Crucify him!" And Pilate responded with "For what? This man is blameless! What is his fault?"

And since the people were so caught up in the moment, they still responded with "Crucify him!"

It's interesting, really. When our blood gets boiling, we make rash decisions. Today is a reminder to check yourself every once in a while, and make sure you're making an effort to make Godly decisions throughout the day.

Peace out.


Granny said…
It is very easy to get caught up in the "moment" and forget to treat others like we want to be treated, and how Jesus teaches us. Thank goodness God forgives.

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