Matthew 4-5

There are only THREE chapters to read today, folks! Read 'em now with the handy BIBLE READER widget to the right of this post or at The New International Version (NIV) is best, personally.


There were a ton of instances today where Jesus healed a bunch of people. Jesus didn't necessarily come to them, but people came from all over the land just in hope of SEEING Jesus. they were so desperate, I doubt they even had a plan for healing.

All they knew was that they heard this guy named Jesus was healing people, and wanted to check it out. It sounds really crazy and weird, but they were so desperate that they had to have faith in Him. They had to believe, because He was their only choice!

After thinking about this a lot, I realized that this can be SO easily applied to what most everyone is going through today! There are so many hardships, and so many times where we so DESPERATELY need Jesus, sometimes He is our only choice.

You've all felt like that every once in a while, right? Life can really stink sometimes. And what are our choices? You can't complain, and you can't fix big problems yourself, correct? So what are our options?

I think that's what the sick people were feeling. They had had such a tough life, they didn't really have anywhere to turn. They were pretty hopeless. One woman even was said to have been bleeding constantly for quite some time, and even doctors couldn't make her better.

There was nowhere to turn. I think a lot of people today are going through the same stuff. Life gets hard sometimes! We're all a little "diseased."

So, what do you do?

Do what the sick did!

The woman that was bleeding, and the man that was possessed by demons-- they all heard that there was this awesome guy named Jesus. Sure, He sounded pretty weird and strange, but that was their only choice.

He's our only choice, you guys.

The people in today's reading simply went to see Him anyway. Even though He sounded weird, and they were unsure about the whole healing thing, they went to Him anyway. They threw themselves into faith, all in hopes of being healed.

If you leave this devotion with anything today, just know these few things:

First, we are all diseased.

Second, Jesus IS our only hope.

Third, even though He sounds a little out there, there is no way we can help ourselves,

So, we must pursue Jesus, and have faith, like the woman and possessed man did. They were healed by Jesus, all because of their faith in Him.

He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

Mark 5:34

Did we get that, people? We can be healed. All of us. All we need is a little faith. Comment or email with questions, and other than that,

Peace out.


Granny said…
Blessed is the man who believes in Jesus, by faith alone, as he has not seen Him.

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