Matthew 25-26

Read these chapters now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at, or with your own Bible, of course! They're pretty deep and intense, and definitely worth reading.


God has a plan for every one's life. We can make our own decisions, but there's definitely a plan that God wants us to follow, and a plan that God knows we'll chose to follow anyway. In today's reading, Jesus was talking with His disciples about how He knew was was going to happen.

It was a prophesy that prophets hundreds of years ago had prophesied. Jesus knew He was going to die, and that Judas was going to betray Him.

It's starting to make more sense to me now... how calm Jesus was about everything. When He was betrayed, He simply looked at Judas and said "Friend, do what you came for." Jesus knew things would work out eventually, and was able to be calm.

That just makes me want to think a little-- about our purpose, and my purpose, and every one's purpose. Sometimes things just happen that we really wish hadn't. But it's in God's plan, and we should try to act like Jesus and be as calm as we can.

It breaks us down, sometimes. We often ask "WHY, GOD???" and Jesus even asked that a few times, too. Sometimes we don't like the plans set out for us. But will everything get better in the end?

It sure will.

So think about that next time things aren't going your way. Think to yourself that there IS a plan and that we CAN be calm and have the peace that God offers us, even in the roughest of times.



Granny said…
I am glad that God is in control, not me! He does have a plan for us, it is all written before we are born. We get choices of paths to take, and sometimes we choose things that make Him sad, but He knows the plan and the way things are going to be. I am glad that He is in control, and not me!

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