1st Chronicles 3-5

Like yesterday, the reading is mostly just names and such, so it's not as important to read the daily chapters. But if you want to, please do! I've provided a BIBLE READER to the left of this post or you can read the chapters at http://www.bible.com/.

Okie dokie, let's get this thing started. Since the daily reading is all about names and people in history, I thought it'd be a good idea to start talking about people in the present-- YOU!

A lot of people had qualities listed next to their names in today's reading, which was interesting. Some were good fighters, for example. Have you ever wondered what YOU are good at? They're called spiritual gifts, which means they were given from God.

Now no matter if you're young or old, you might not know what your gift is just yet. Jesus has a specific reason why and when He reveals your gifts, so be patient if you haven't figured them out yet. There are a few classes at my church about finding your spiritual gifts, so if you want to get a move on that, you can ask someone once you're in the neighborhood. Here's the site to my church, and keep in mind that even though it's called "Lebanon Presbyterian Church" that doesn't mean it's only for Presbyterians. Some churches are strict to who they let in their doors, but LPC has room for all!


Anyway, back to the spiritual gifts. I don't think that they're called spiritual gifts JUST because the Holy Spirit gives them to you. In fact, I think that they're named that because of their purpose!

Everyone can use their gifts to further God and His kingdom, and by everyone, I mean everyone. I like to think of my gift as writing, because I seem to like doing it, and apparently I'm better at it than I think. Guess what I'm doing as I speak???

Using my gift to spread the word.

Use your gift! Not sure what it is yet? No problem, just pick something you enjoy doing. PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING can be used to further help God's kingdom. There are Christian skating organizations that spread the love of Christ, and Christian sports teams-- heck, just hanging out with friends can spread the love of Jesus if you make an effort to tell some people.

Now, I'm not sure why spiritual gifts are REALLY named what they are, but this is a nice way to think of it, right? God (the Holy Spirit) gave you the gift. He wants you to make it tell others about Him, (the Spirit.)

Be creative. Find your good qualities and use them to the best of God's abilities. He gave them to you for a specific reason, and only you can find out what that reason is.

Peace out. Get The Word out.


Granny said…
I am not sure of my "gifts"....but I do know that it comes easy for me to talk with people. I also feel compassion for others. OH well, God knows what gifts he gave to me, and I pray he directs me in the right way to use them.
Carly said…
I agree, Granny. God gave you the gift of compassion and it's easy for you to talk to anyone. You gave that quality to me :)

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