2nd Kings 17-18


Please read the two easy chapters (2nd Kings 17-18) at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post.

I wanted to travel back in time when reading today's chapters. Not necessarily to meet any kings, or any prophets-- heck, I wouldn't of even gone back in time to take some gold and silver. The main reason I would want to travel back into today's reading is to slap an Israelite in the face.

I probably would of gotten thrown into the dungeon, or been stoned to death, but after reading how ignorant and disrespectful they were to God today-- I think it would almost be worth it. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to offend anyone.

It was just SO FRUSTRATING, right? The fact that they were sinning against the one who CREATED them makes me angry! And get this: even though they were sacrificing their children, and worshipping gods that lived on poles, God STILL loved them enough to give them warnings, and try to give them a second chance. AHHHH!

They didn't take God's chance, though. The continued sinning, and sinning, and God would try and resolve everything over and over, but they didn't listen to Him. They made their own (stupid, indecisive, foolish) decisions, and God finally had enough. He turned His back on Israel.

I was almost screaming "Come ON, Israelites! What the HECK are you doing! God is literally TELLING YOU TO LISTEN, and you AREN'T!" I was smirking to myself, thinking "They're so stupid sometimes. I can't believe they aren't listening to God. Idiots."

But then, something happened. And then, I got an idea. It was an idea that might offend some of you, and it might put a damper on your happy pappy day... but it's important.

All the time I was reading, I kept putting the Israelites down. They didn't listen to God! He was trying to reach to them, and they ignored him and kept on sinning! It's so frustrating!

I do the exact same thing. Chances are, you do too.

Then I became even MORE angry! Not only at the Israelites, but at myself, a little. I was downing the Israelites, saying I was better than them. And guess what? I do the exact same thing. You do too, probably.

We keep telling ourselves that we're better than people. We're nicer, we're Christians. We're Americans!

But every single person on this face of the Earth is a sinner. Every single heart that's beating is a sinner, there's no way to stop sin. It will be there-- forever, from the times of Adam and Eve until this very moment.

So what the heck was I doing, right? Why was I being all cynical towards the Israelites when I sin, too! In fact, God reminds us every day to do the right thing, like he reminded the Israelites. No, He might not of come out and said it to us, but there are all sorts of reminders He gives to us... and we keep on sinning.

In today's reading, the Israelites sinned too, and God finally turned His back on them. They (meaning the Israelites) then were confronted by the King of Assyria, who offered them something "better" under his rule. He was basically telling the Israelites that it wasn't their fault that God turned His back on them, and that they should follow him.

Tomorrow, we'll find what happens next. Be sure to tune in :)

But back to the message. God knows we are sinners. He knows that we make mistakes, and that's why He sent His son, Jesus, to forgive us of our sins. But we can't keep sinning and forgetting to repent. We might be busy, or caught up in the moment... but the fact of the matter is that we don't come back to Jesus for the grace only He can give, which is exactly what happened to the Israelites. They must of ignored the signs that God was giving them or something.

And when something that claims to be "better" rolls along, will we do the same as the Israelites did? Will we convert to the sins of the people around us? Will we turn into something we're not and turn OUR backs on GOD, the creator? Will we?

Unfortunately, it's hard to realize when we sin, because we're right in the moment. But those times where we think to ourselves, "Hey, that was kind of mean! Why did I do that?"

Those are the times where we have to run full speed back to Jesus and beg for mercy. If we don't acknowledge our mistakes... what was the purpose of Him being nailed to cross? If we don't realize that God is GOD, and His son saves us time and time again, we're just like the Israelites, ignoring Him and all He's done for us.

Like I've said before, I was all angry when I read what those sinners were doing. But is what I'm doing any better? I think not. Sin is sin, and although we are forgiven, we have to ASK for His grace, and it's as easy as praying to Him.

I hope I'm not putting a major brick of guiltiness on anyone. But you have to realize that we have the chance. We have chances and choices every single day to do what the Israelites did NOT. Will we follow God? Will we be sucked into the grasps of sin and others that want to tear us down?

Will we go through the motions of those around us?

Hope that makes sense. Email or comment with any questions. Peace out.

PS: there's a great song that sums up what I've said called "The Motions" by Matthew West. Check it out.



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