1st Kings 4-5

Read these super short two chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at www.bible.com.


I feel like one of those motivational speakers, "How to build a better you." However, I'm not here to tell you how to become a better worker, or a better mother or father. Heck, I'm not even going to talk about morals or anything.

I feel like throughout my devotionals, I keep telling people to go and tell the world about Jesus, and to live and breath Jesus throughout every conversation and every encounter. I don't really take any of the advice back, because it says in the Bible to go and tell the world, and to follow Jesus. But I think for just a little bit (if even for only a day or so) we need to put that on pause and go on a little journey to "build a better you."

Let's say, for instance, we live every second for Jesus and talk about everything we know about Him forever and ever. It's almost like learning an easy piano song, and once you've perfected that, you go out and do millions of concerts. You spend ALL of your time on playing that one song, and don't bother to learn any others.

Believe it or not, that's not the best way to live as a Christian. You can't take the little (or numerous) knowledge we have of Jesus and share it with the world every second of every day... because like I said, that would be like repeating a song over and over. We need to practice the piano in between concerts, to get better. If we take a look at ourselves every once in a while, we can easily realize what we need to work on, or what we need to learn.

It's almost like taking a day off from being that missionary dedicated Christian and focusing on becoming a better Christian. Focusing on being a better you. Sometimes, I think that's important. No, I don't think we need to completely ignore Jesus for that day.

In fact, I think we should do the exact opposite. Take a day or two, or even just an hour or two, and reflect on what we've learned before. We then can strengthen our knowledge of Jesus, and develop a better relationship with Him.

Let's take King Solomon in today's reading for example. He was told that in his lifetime, he was supposed to build a temple. It was one of his purposes, one of his duties as king. But the Bible says that we was able to accomplish things successfully because of God, and his relationship with Him. Solomon worked on his duty with building the temple, but also worked on building himself spiritually. We need to have that same idea. Being dedicated, and knowledgeable. Does that make any sense?

Our duty as Christians is to tell others, just like Solomon's duty was to build the temple. But we also have to make sure that we ourselves know what we're talking about. We need to nourish ourselves and make sure what we're talking about is accurate and true. Sometimes, we have to take that "break" and renew our faith. Once we feel secure and feel that we have a good place to stand, then we should go out there and tell some people, and live for Him.

Maybe I'm just blabbering on about this. But I find that I sometimes try and think of what to say, or how to act, I come at a blank. It's not because my relationship is broken, or a gear is missing, it's just because it's getting a little rusty.

So take some time to pray today, and get yourself on the right track. Make sure you know what you're talking about, and don't be afraid to take some time and pray about it.

Go in Peace.


Granny said…
Praying every day, examining yourself to see where you need to brush up and clean up your life, is a great way to stay in tuned with God's wishes.

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