1st Kings 6-7

Read now at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post!


In today's reading... nothing too exciting happened. I mean, there was a temple built, which was awesome... but all the details were excruciating to read. I don't really care what the pillars were made of, or where they put what. But everything has a purpose in the Bible, which is what I'm trying to talk about today.

Sometimes, I criticise myself. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure everyone does from one time to another. You know, you tell someone "ugh I hate my hair" or "why do I have to be shy all the time?" We ask ourselves stupid questions and freak out about what we just can't change. I do, anyway. All the time.

But, once I sat down and thought about it-- why? Why do we put down ourselves? God made us for a specific purpose, only one that WE can do. I know that that phrase is extremely overused, and we hear it a lot.

Everyone knows the verse in Genesis "God made man in His own image," that tells us that God made us in HIS likeness, and that there is a specific purpose for everything. Also, we hear the phrase "God gave you a a gift," a job for only you. It's easy to focus on the gifts God had given us, our talents that we can do with happiness.

Sometimes however, it's much harder to understand that even the "bad" qualities we have, God gave them to us for a purpose. I sometimes over think things, and sometimes I don't think at all. There are times where I doubt, and sin, and sin. But even through my "flaws" God still has a purpose for me.

This goes the same way with looks, too. You might think that God is punishing you for giving you a bad leg, or horrible skin. But guess what? Even these details that we absolutely DESPISE about ourselves are God given, and are there for a reason.

You never know, there might be a person out there who could use some support. Maybe they have the same "problems" you have, and need someone who can understand them. God has a use for your "flaws," too.

Now, why am I putting quotations around "flaws" and "problems? Because. In my personal opinion, there are no "flaws" in a person's true spirit. No, we're not perfect. But we're perfect in God's eyes. That doesn't mean we can go out and sin and still be perfect, but the things we can't change about ourselves... these are the things that God graced us with, and even though they may SEEM like flaws, they have a purpose.

Everything has a purpose. Everything in our lives, every detail in the Bible. They're important. Even when we don't see WHY they are important (like "why are there pointless details in the Bible") we just need to trust that every single detail is important.

Every good detail about us, every bad one. They're precious to God, and they couldn't become more perfect.

I think I already have a link to this somewhere, but there's a great song by Jonny Diaz called "More Beautiful You." You should check it out, it tells everyone that there is no person that can be YOU better than YOU.


Have a great weekend. There'll be a guest writer tomorrow, my friend gets to do the devotion because I'm on a retreat with church. Be sure to read and comment!



Granny said…
God definitely has a purpose for you. Before you were formed, He knew you, had your plan. Accept your gifts and use them to glorify God. What we proclaim to be our faults, were given for a purpose. We just don't see the big picture sometimes.

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