2nd Kings 24- 25 (LAST CHAPTERS!)

Only two chapter to read today, folks. Be sure to do so-- there's an AH-MAZE-ING passage I'm going to talk about quite frequently today!

So, here we are. Almost done with 2nd Kings, and about to start 1st Chronicles-- so please be sure to tell all your buddies to read tomorrow. I'm sure it'll be epic, and it will be a great opportunity to start reading since it's a new book of the Bible and all.

To begin the devotions for today... we've all had those types pf people who-- how do I say this nicely? We all know those kinds of people who are just-- uhm... well I guess there's only one way to say it.

The Jerks.

Everyone has them, right? I'm sure you can all think of someone. Now, just because a few people come to mind, that doesn't mean they actually are as evil they seem. We all know that sometimes good people make bad decisions, and blah blah blah blah.

They still get on our nerves though. Constantly taking advantage of people, and lying, cheating, badmouthing, bullying, annoying and downright being MEAN. Even though it's important to recognize that we all make mistakes sometimes----- there are STILL those people who we can't stand.

(Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this. I sure hope not, or else I'll sound like a jerk myself!)

What it all boils down to is the fact that we assume we know better. We tell ourselves that WE would never do such a thing, and that WE are better than that. But have WE ever thought about how THEY feel?

People do things they regret. I'm sure you do, too. I have tons of regrets, and I'm sure there have been times where people claim ME to be the jerk, which is understandable. But after reading a certain little passage in today's reading, it got me to thinking.

Please read 2nd Kings 24-25 if you haven't already at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post.

2nd Kings 24

19 He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, just as Jehoiakim had done. 20 It was because of the Lord's anger that all of this happened to Jerusalem and Judah, and in the end He thrust them from His presence.

I don't know why-- but I guess that this just gave me a little assurance, in a way. When I see one of those people we all can't stand, I usually deem those people as someone I am better than.

But this verse tells me I am wrong. It's basically saying that God knows what He is doing. He can make things happen people depending on what they have been doing for Him, and although I don't necessarily think He'll thrust anyone from His presence forever... it's still a good verse.

I shouldn't be so judgemental. I shouldn't care about the jerks in my life, because God will deal with them. It's not my place, right? It also reminds me that God can do the same to me. I need to live my life wisely, and be cautious to follow God in all that I do.

Got it?

Email me with any questions. Go in Peace.


Granny said…
When I hear really harsh things being done, I always remind myself that those persons doing them will be judged by God in the end. He will deal with them, and they will get their just punishment!

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