2nd Kings 1-3

Welcome to the book of 2nd Kings! If you're new here, you can read these three chapters at www.bible.com or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post. If you're not new here, still read them :)

God did some crazy stuff in today's reading, I think. I wasn't really sure what to write about today, and that happens a lot, actually. But instead of making something up, I figured I'd just rant on about what we read.

Wasn't that Elijah guy cool? I mean, sometimes the stuff we read seems unlikely. Come on, a river turning to blood? A river put out there by God in the first place? And God can do miracles that kill people? What was THAT all about?

Not just today, but throughout all my devotions. I feel like there's this little part of me that's screaming "come ON, Carly. Get real! Do you really think that someone could heal a disease with their hands? Can someone really provide food for an entire group of people? Can a man really be raised from the dead?"

If you'd like to hear what I think, and what the Bible gives proof to, then please keep reading. Anyone with doubts, and insecurities out there-- I assure you that there is an answer to what you've been struggling with. It's hard to believe in something you can't see. I struggle with it everyday.

But there is SO MUCH HOPE out there that I can't help but come crying back to Jesus every time. He's the only one who can heal my heart, and can give a reason to carry on. Even though I can't see Him, there isn't a doubt in my mind that He's there. He can save people and He can heal our wounds. He can forgive our insecurities, because if we have faith in Him, the possibilities are endless.

If you're still not convinced, I totally understand. I mean... until I really realized what it meant to be a Christian I was still shaky on the whole "miracles" thing. But once you accepted Him into your heart, and continue to pray to Him daily, you change. You start to believe that "if he can change MY heart, my tired, sinful, dirty heart... then sure. He can do just about anything."

Does that make any sense? Maybe I'm just rambling on and on about something that no one cares about. I tend to do that a little bit more than normal, but oh well. I just-- I feel really strongly about this. I have had this GREAT encounter with this guy that literally saved my life, and I want others to have the same thing.

It's not hard, people! There's a God out there who cares for you. He isn't some idol you have to worship, or anything like that. You don't have to eat certain things, or pray a certain way. As long as you have His love in your heart, and you're willing to live for Him-- then BOOM. Your life is changed.

You start to realize things you never realized before, like people matter. Everyone is different, but everyone needs God. God happened. God is important. Miracles exist.

So if you still think there's no way that Elijah could have done miracles, and you still think that God doesn't exist... I encourage you to challenge Him. Pray about it. If you commit yourself to Him, then your life will change, like I said. There's no way to ignore it, either. There are no such things as coincidences, no such things as luck or destiny. God has a plan for YOU, and He's just itching to help you with it.

Please email me with any questions. Like I said, I really want to make sure that I'm not just rambling about things that no one cares about. I want to make a difference. I want to touch your life in any way I can. My email is carlygaile@yahoo.com so drop me a line if you have any questions or comments or concerns.

Peace out, have a lovely weekend. I'll be here tomorrow.


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