2nd Samuel 8-11

Read now with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at http://www.bible.com/

How inspiring. A teenage rock star is telling kids that not even SHE is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Of course, that was a few years ago. Now "Hannah" is writing songs about dancing and true love. But, that's beside the point.

What I'm trying to say is that she was right in this rare instance. No one -- not even me -- is perfect. In fact, we're so far from perfect it's unthinkable. I'm hoping I can speak for everyone when I say that we make mistakes several times a day! Maybe more than "several" (however many that means.)

We're sinners. We're mistake-makers. We aren't perfect. Sorry to put a damper on your day, but I assure you that we'll be getting on a more positive track very soon.

Just like in today's reading, David made some mistakes. Yes, poor little David that slayed this huge giant named Goliath, and led his people throughout many wars and victories... sins too. It actually says in the Bible that God was angry for what he had done.

I think a lot of soap operas copied scenes from the Bible. I'm not a soap watcher myself, but there's so many movies and plays that depict the exact scene we read in today's reading. David sees a pretty girl, he invites her into his house, she gets pregnant with a son--- but oh, no! She's married!

When David figured out she was married, he did the only thing he could think of. Kill her husband. (I know, right? Diabolical.) So, David put this lady's husband in the front line during one of the many wars he was fighting, and made sure the head of the army knew that that man was to be killed.

He did.

It seems horrid, right? The thought of killing someone else because you didn't want your mistake to be recognized. David didn't want people to know he sinned, so he tried to hide it. He purposefully had the husband be killed, to protect HIS fault.

I know that sounds bad, but wouldn't that be cool if we could just hide all of our mistakes like that? No, I probably wouldn't commit murder to hide a sin, but if there was something little I could do to cover up all my flaws, I think I probably would, wouldn't you?

It's too bad God sees everything.

One time, I was babysitting my cousins, and before I put the youngest to bed, he was scared because his mommy and daddy weren't there. I smiled and told him that Jesus would be watching out for him, and that he shouldn't worry.

Then his eyes got really big and he said, "Where is Jesus, Carly? Is he under my bed?" And I laughed a little, but I pointed up and told him that God was in the sky, and inside of him, and that he takes care of us when we are scared.

I'm not sure if he was really comforted by my little speech, because he still wouldn't go to sleep. But regardless, he knew that God was watching over him whenever he was scared.

That's the same for when we are naughty, like David. Even if we try to hide our mistakes, we can't! It's impossible for NO ONE to see our flaws, because God knows us inside and out. He's not prowling under the bed, or creeping in through the window, but He knows that we make mistakes, no matter how much we try and cover them up.

It feels kind of unsafe... to me, anyhow. I mean, there's this guy living inside of me that sees everything I do?! What if I REALLY mess something up? What will he think? Will God think I'm a bad person? How many times can I sin before I get punished? Will God even punish me? What if I don't believe in God, will he still love me? Will he still see my mistakes? WHAT DOES GOD THINK OF MISTAKES?

I think God gives you a choice. If you know the consequences, and you sin anyway... then it's a sin. But it's not like God has this magical dry-erase board that He keeps, counting sins when he sees them. In fact, if you realize you made the sin, and repent (meaning apologize and try not to repeat the sin) then you're off the hook. You're forgiven. Your guilt is gone.

Easter is in a few days, and it's one of my favorite holidays. It's the forgiveness holiday. Jesus didn't die for no reason at all. He died to save me, and you, and everyone. Since his death and Resurrection, we are forgiven for all our many mistakes. We shouldn't try and hide them, because God sees every one.

But if we repent, then we're forgiven. Period. Point blank.

Hannah Montana said it best, "Nobody's Perfect." And it's 100% true. Everyone makes mistakes, but they can be quickly forgiven if you take the time to repent. That's how awesome our God is, people!

There's a great song that depicts this devotion perrrrrrrrrfectly. Just click on the link:


Alrighty.Have lovely day! Come back tomorrow for more. Bye Bye!


Granny said…
I would think what David did would displease the Lord! It is hard for me to think that God would forgive such deliberate actions. But, who am I to wonder His ways? We are not perfect, and if we love the Lord, and follow Him, then this is all we need. He does forgive us, and yes, this is why he died on the cross. We are all sinners, and only He perfect. But, he took on all our sins, died, rose again, and oh Happy Days, we are forgiven. Yeah for Easter to remind us.
Carly said…
It is hard sometimes to believe that God forgives everyone. There are murderers in the world, and terrorists, and allllll sorts of sinners. But in my opinion, if God forgives it all... then there's no sin thats better than another sin. As long as we truly repent, then God will forgive.

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