2nd Kings 19-21


I don't want to copy anything from the book (pictured above,) so it's a goods thing I've never read it. I'm sure it might be helpful, or something like that... but when I read today's three short chapters from the ULTIMATE "How to___" book, I was inspired to have praying the topic of the devotion for today.

If you haven't already, please read the chapters (2nd Kings 19-21) at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post. You can also read from your own Bible, if you've got one :)

So, let's have a recap from yesterday. The King of a kingdom of Israel was sinning in the eyes of God, and God got SO frustrated that He stepped away from them for a little. I think it's important to note that we have a savior that wasn't there back then, named Jesus, who can will never turn His back on us. Just though I'd point that out.

Anywho, the Israelites continued to sin, and the blessings from God weren't as abundant as they used to be, if you know what I mean. The Israelites were going through one of many tough patches in time, and this king from another place decided to take advantage of their weakness.

He was all "Come and join my people! Your God OBVIOUSLY doesn't love you anymore, and you can't possibly believe in him anymore, can you?"

The Israelites didn't know what to do, and what did the king do in response? Did he bow down to the otehr king, ignoring God in tough times? This is where it can apply to YOUR life, wherever you are in your being.

The king didn't know what to do... and he separated himself from his fancy stuff and fancy people, got on the ground, and prayed. GO HIM!

I think it's important to realize what this guy did when he prayed, because God was delighted to have someone believe in Him again, and gave him assurance throughout the rest of his life. I want that, right? Better yet-- I want eternal life!! So how do I pray? How do I ask God something? This what the king (Hezekiah) said:

1. You are God, God. There is no one that's more important than You, not the other king of Assyria, not my kingdom, not my stuff, not even me. You rule.

2. Bad stuff has happened. I know that YOU know what my problems are, and I'm not sure what to do.

3. Please, God, deliver me and your kingdom from the grasps of evil. You're more than capable, and I believe in You.

4. Please let the results of whatever you choose glorify and your kingdom, so that everyone will one day know that YOU ALONE ARE GOD.

Of course, this isn't word for word what Hezekiah said, but it's pretty darn close. He believed in God, and changed from his old ways-- and God showed him mercy and helped him! He let God know that he needed Him, and that he believed in Him with all his soul.

I think that's all there is to it, Amen? Jesus knows we aren't perfect, so why are we ashamed of admitting our sins? No, it's not good to sin. Not even a little. But the great thing is, if we have faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ... WE ARE FORGIVEN.

Hold on to this message the next time you're in need of some Godliness. Pray this similar prayer, and keep faith. Share your faith with others.

I'll be here tomorrow. Peace out.


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