2nd Kings 11-13


I sometimes laugh when I think about those celebrity couples, you know the kind. The 20 year old movie star dating the 60 year old director? It's kind of weird to see, and we immediately assume they're both in it for money, and claim they're "in love."

But I guess I've been a little harsh on those types of couples. I don't agree with it in Hollywood, because 9 times out of 10 it's for the money and publicity. But in a regular world, with regular people... we aren't usually in love with people 40 years older than us. Maybe you are-- and I guess that's cool... but what I'm TRYING to get at here is that as Christians, we should love everyone, and be accepting of everyone.

Does that mean you have to agree with people of weird ages being "in love?" Does that mean you have to find someone 40 years away from you to be in love with? Of course not. In fact, you don't need to be in love with anyone here-- the Bible just tells us to LOVE EVERYONE.

That's hard sometimes. It's hard to love certain people, because there's a major personality clash. For instance... if I met one of those celebrity couples, I might have a hard time loving them. Not because they're bad, per say, but because they're different.

For me, today's reading had a lot to do with acceptance. If you haven't already, pleaseeeee read 2nd Kings 11-13 at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post!!

So, we have this little guy named Joash who was saved when this crazy grieving lady tried to overthrow the royal family. She succeeded, and became the queen of the land, and everyone in the royal family was killed but Joash.

Seven years later, Joash was recognized as the only remaining ere of the land, and became KING JOASH! Woo hoo! He was only seven years old when he became king, which is kind of funny to me. But that's why I decided acceptance is important, because I'm sure there were all kinds of people who thought he could do nothing for their people.

But if they were at least accepting that he became King, and maybe had a little faith, they could see that Joash made some major improvements for Israel, and even prevented war! There is always some type of good inside every person, because we all have a purpose for the good of mankind.

Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.
~Anne Frank

Be accepting of others. You never know when you'll be working for them, or calling them king! Age is just a number when it comes to how you should treat people. 8 or 88, they should be treated with respect. They're both humans, both part of God's creation.

That's about it-- tell your friends. I'll be here tomorrow.



Hanna said…
So what about a couple that's say...ten years apart?

Carly, I have an idea for a post. Kinda. Why don't you talk a little bit about how long the Earth has been around and how scientists view it opposed to Christians. Even though the scientists have proof, Christians still believe differently...I just get kind of confused as to where I'm supposed to stand on the matter.

Carly said…
That's a great comment, Hanna! It's a really perplexing question, too. I just read your comment, like... 30 seconds ago, so I didn't address your topic in today's blog. I'm happy to take requests, however, so be back tomorrow for the Bible's take on time!! Thanks for your input!


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