2nd Samuel 12-13SIN AND FORGIVENESS.

Only two chapters today! Please read them now with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post, or at http://www.bible.com/. Today's reading is... interesting. Reader discretion is advised.

It's a fairly sticky subject to talk about. Yesterday, we talked about how EVERYONE sins, and that there's no perfect person in the entire universe. Except for Jesus, anyhow. He's pretty much the most perfect thing in the world. That's why we can trust in Him, and follow HIM. Sometimes if we follow someone else, or something else, we fall short of the glory of God, and sin.

There are TONS of different churches in the world, and every single one treats sin differently. They all have their own viewpoint on heaven, and hell, and repentance. But since Easter is coming up, I decided to talk about it today. Especially because there was quite a lot of sinning in today's reading.

Today is Good Friday, actually. So if you didn't know that, be sure to thank Jesus for dieing on this very day, many many years ago. (Thank you, Jesus!)

But back to sin. Like I said, my beliefs might not match yours, and that's why there's a lot of controversy in the world. But instead of preaching on what I believe, I thought it'd be more beneficial if we bring the Bible into this, because that's what this devotion series is all about, right?

I have this nifty book called "Got Answers" and it shows people how to deal with things they face in life, from Holiness to Sin. This is the first time I took a glance at it, and it has some really key verses that help us understand sin and it's consequences.

Romans 3:10:

as it is written:
‘There is no one who is righteous, not even one'

This verse is telling everyone that there is NO perfect person. I think some Christians strive to be perfect, which is an insanely unreachable goal. Don't strive for perfection, because the Bible says it's impossible.

Matthew 16.24:

Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'

So, instead of following this idea that perfection exists... follow the only one who is perfect. Jesus tells the people if they want to be followers, all you have to do is follow Him.

This next verse is longer, but it's the best one to help determine what grace is, and what sin is.

Romans 3:21-26:

21 But now, irrespective of law, the righteousness of God has been disclosed, and is attested by the law and the prophets,

22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction,

23 since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;

24 they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,

25 whom God put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith. He did this to show his righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over the sins previously committed;

26 it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies the one who has faith in Jesus.

Easter isn't a day where people hide eggs and eat candy. Sure, these things are fun, and they are good memories we can all share with our families. But the verse I just posted... it doesn't say anything about bunnies and Peeps.

Easter is when God gave His son as a sacrifice, so that it stands as living proof that He is righteous and He will justify whoever had faith in Him. It's kind of confusing, I know. Maybe your church doesn't believe the same thing. But unlike my previous devotions, this is straight from the Bible.

It says in clear print that everyone sins. I know it, you know it, God knows it. But there is no sin great enough that God would stop loving you. There is no sin that God will turn his back on you. Sure, he might get angry. Yes, in the Old Testament there was no Jesus, so there was little forgiveness.

But one day, Jesus came into the world! The whole earth was changed forever. We are forgiven. He is living proof that our God exists, and he LOVES. He brought Jesus back to life! He's not a magician, or some voodoo expert. He is God. He is Risen.

David (in today's reading) murdered someone. His son did bad things to his own sister, and then was murdered for it! It was a messed up couple of chapters, right? There was SO MUCH SIN. But all of these people are considered children of God, and God still loves them.

Just like with us. I know that some people think that God is some mean old man sitting in a cloud, striking lightening bolts at the innocent. But there is SO much proof that He forgives, and He loves... and He will never stop.

If you haven't already, please try and realize that no matter what, God still loves you. People make mistakes. But if we follow Jesus, we ARE forgiven. No matter what. It's an undying love. It's eternal, and it belongs to everyone.

Please don't forget that this Easter. Today, Jesus was murdered on a cross. He had no sin. He was perfect. And he rose from the dead for our sins.

Still don't believe me? Reread the verses I posted above. The Bible is as truthful as it gets, folks.

Peace out.


Granny said…
It is hard for me, to think that murder is just as great a sin as telling a white lie. In God's eyes all sins are equal, and all are forgiven by Him...but you have to repent your sins and try not to do them again. The sad part...we are sinners, and we do sin, as you said, no one is perfect, except our Lord Jesus Christ. We can strive to be like him, but we fall short. Thank goodness for His mercy and forgiveness.
Carly said…
I'm not sure if one sin is worse than another, honestly. I just figure that if you repent, then both are forgiven... so they should be equal. Maybe you have to do a more cleaning up with a murder... getting not only forgiveness from God, but from the people it affected. I dunno.

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