2nd Kings 6-7

Read now with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at http://www.bible.com/.

Gosh, today's reading was by far one of the most confusing couple of chapters I've ever read. It kept talking about eating things, and men of God, and people being trampled... I'm so confused! I don't want to come out and talk about something I honestly don't understand, either... so I'm at a fault here. I don't know what to say.

The sad part is, I can think of 1,000 things I've said in my devotions that go against what I'm saying, like to "never give up!" and "pray all the time!" and "ask God for help!"

So, I feel like a failure at the moment, with nothing to say. I can't find something that relates to the reading! It's so confusing, and jumbled, and hard to read. It's bizarre, and weird, and unnecessary...

But then it came to me-- so is the world. God didn't intend to have horrible tragedies and diseases and famines and the failure that is today's world. In fact, it's all mankind's fault that everything turned out the way it did, with all the sinning we've been doing.

It can make for a pretty depressing devotion, right? Sometimes, I think that. But I also think that all the things that are wrong in the world make us who we ought to be. They are constant reminders of how we need to change the world, with a steady God on our shoulders.

For instance, I was SO busy today, (and STILL have things I need to do) that when I finally sat down and tried to relax and read the Bible, it felt like everything was wrong, somehow. I even constantly prayed for God's wisdom, and assurance, to help me understand it. It was hard, and excruciating at times, because I'd have to reread everything again once I zoned out.

But now that I've started talking it through, I realize that the "excruciating" experience I went through is just another reason to add to the list of things I constantly and whole-heatedly need God for!!

In other words, every thing that seems hard, or seems unjust, shouldn't be cried over. Actually, it should be praised for!

I know what you're thinking. "You're crazy, Carly, if you think I'm going to celebrate our world's poverty, or the deaths I've faced and will continue to face in my life."

And I get it. Because even though afterwards, (like now, for instance) when we see that everything is okay... those times before we had it all figured out are really tough! But I think if everyone just took a second to realized that those issues that our world is facing is just a reminder of what we need to fix-- things could start looking a lot better.

You might be frustrated about something, or someone. DON'T MOPE ABOUT IT. Pray, and do something to help the situation! I'm lazy all the time, I'll admit it. But you know what? That's why we need to pray. That's why we need God.

Think about that the next time you're faced with any sort of problem. Don't mope about it-- do something about it.

Peace out.


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