2nd Kings 14-16


I'm not here to preach about anti-violence. Granted, I don't believe in violence-- but still. If you haven't, please read 2nd Kings 14-16 now at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post.

There's a lot of fighting in today's reading. Fighting with opposing nations, which I guess is understandable... but there was even fighting between parts within the SAME NATION! It was strange to me, but then I kind of thought about how that can apply to us.

How many people out there have ever gotten in a fight with their friends? You may think "friends aren't supposed to fight! That's why they're friends!"

But often, friends have the same thoughts, which means they can disagree on things sometimes, too. They can't always be in tune. And sometimes, when you've been agreeing for a long time, the first little issue that pops up seems big.

Sometimes you have to have those little disagreements to learn more about a person, or a group of people. Israel was split, and the two parts were engaging in battles and stuff.

Like I said, though. Fights are pretty normal. But don't pretend like they don't happen, and certainly don't make a bigger deal of them than they already are. If we just take a second to step back and think/pray on it-- then chances are you'll realize if what you're fighting abut is REALLY that important in the great scheme of things.

There was a lot of fighting mixed with a lot of violence in today's reading, and sometimes it seems like God wasn't there to help out. But God is always there, and maybe if the Kings took a second to ask HIM what was important every once in a while, things would of been different.

Got it? Good.

Go in Peace.


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